Why PySoap

While Tensorflow is the state of the art software for machine learning, it requires a heavy amount of hardware space to be installed. PySoap, primarily developed for my own research, is a light weight implementation of fully connected and convolutional neural networks.

The only requirements are basic Python packages: Numpy, abc, inspect, and h5py.

What is in PySoap

PySoap, currently, implements Dense, Conv_2D, and BatchNorm layers. It also features many different optimizers such as Adam, SGD, Adagrad, etc.

PySoap Interface

PySoap is created to feel much like creating a Sequential model using Keras. As such, users of Keras will feel at home when using PySoap

To Come

PySoap2 - adding the ability to support more complicated, tree-like, network architectures.